Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hello, Everyone!

It was snow in the morning and was 10℃ in the afternoon in Japan.
We take care not to catch a cold. How about your countries?

By the way.
Our studio is in Yokohama near Tokyo, Shinjuku, Shibuya.
You know that Shinjuku is a town certainly opened in cross-dressing cultures and there are many cross-dressing service shops , club but We went ahead and opened our cross-dressing service studio "Artemis " in Yokohama .

It was the age 26 of owner when she started to challenge introducing a new idea to the cross-dressing industry.
At that time, although she had dreamed the cross-dressing filled with the art and fashion, but almost all cross-dressing shops were connected to sex industry and had nothing to do with art, fashion, and culture.
That is why, she discriminated betweens other cross-dressing shops and Artemis.
Artemis' style  is a uniquely( or historic) Japanese style cross-dressing is different from other country.
We are sure that you will catch new discoveries and impression if you could visit Artemis.

We are looking forward to welcoming you .

Thank you.

Artemis / Japanese hospitality